20.1.2025, 09:52

Если вместо текста отображаются кракозябры, проверьте, что в браузере включено автоматическое определение кодировки.

Прохождения официальных игр:
Dizzy 1: The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure (ZX Spectrum)
Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy (NES+ZX Spectrum) + коды для Amiga/Atari ST
Dizzy 3: Fantasy World Dizzy (ZX Spectrum) + коды для Amiga/Atari ST/PC
Dizzy 3.5: Into Magicland (ZX Spectrum)
Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (ZX Spectrum)
Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (ZX Spectrum)
Dizzy 6: Prince of the Yolkfolk (ZX Spectrum)
Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (ZX Spectrum)
Dizzy the Adventurer (ADE)
Fantastic Dizzy/The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy (Genesis)
Wonderland Dizzy (NES)
Прохождения фанатских игр:
A Pirate's Life Dizzy (PC)
Adventureland Dizzy (PC)
Back to Magicland (PC)
Clover: A Curious Tale (PC)
Daisy Goes Pop (PC)
Diamond Mine Dizzy (PC)
Dizzy's Dream Home (PC)
Dizzy 1.00 (Вектор 06Ц)
Dizzy. Melanchony of Existance. Chapter Zero (NES)
Dizzy - Magic Island (ZX Spectrum)
Dizzy and the Emerald Eye (PC)
Dizzy and the Harp of Life (PC)
Dizzy and the Healing Potion (PC)
Dizzy and the Mushrooms Pie (PC)
Dizzy and the Other Side (PC)
Dizzy for zx-pk.ru (PC)
Dizzy in Emerald City (PC)
Dizzy in the Dungeons (PC)
Dizzy Legends: The Lord of Darkness (PC)
Dizzy Oops! (PC)
Dizzy vs. the Snow Queen (PC)
Dizzy Who: Into the TARDIS (PC)
Don't Panic Dizzy (PC)
Dragon Valley Dizzy (PC)
Excalibur Dizzy (PC)
Ghastly Getaway Dizzy (PC)
Illusion Island Dizzy (PC)
Knightmare Dizzy (PC)
Log Cabin Dizzy (PC)
Lost Temple Dizzy (PC)
Lost Wood Dizzy (PC+DizzyAGE Remake)
Middle-Earth Dizzy (PC)
Pirate Ship Dizzy (PC)
Sacred World Dizzy (PC)
Spud's Quest (PC)
Stag Night Dizzy (PC)
Starship Dizzy (PC)
Strumf (ZX Spectrum)
Summer Blast Dizzy (PC)
Sunken Castle Dizzy (PC)
Volcano Island Dizzy (PC)
Winter Nightmare Dizzy (PC)
Winter World Dizzy (PC)
Yolkfolk to the Rescue (PC)
Прохождения игр-клонов:

Seymour – Take One (Amstrad CPC/ZX Spectrum)

Карты официальных игр (в скобках указана платформа):

Advanced Pinball Simulator (ZX Spectrum)
Bubble Dizzy (ZX Spectrum)
Dizzy 1: Crash Special Edition (ZX Spectrum)
Dizzy 1: The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure (ZX Spectrum [от Masked Mapper, от Paul Forsyth, от Reptar])
Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy (Amiga [от Grizzly], ZX Spectrum [от Reptar])
Dizzy 3: Fantasy World Dizzy (Amiga, PC [внутриигровая], ZX Spectrum [от Reptar])
Dizzy 3.5: Into Magicland (ZX Spectrum [от Slider])
Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (Amiga, PC, ZX Spectrum [от Reptar])
Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (ZX Spectrum [от Reptar])
Dizzy 6: Prince of the Yolkfolk (PC, ZX Spectrum [на русском, из Your Sinclair, от Reptar])
Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (ZX Spectrum [акт 1, акт 2, акт 3, акт 4])
Dizzy Down the Rapids (ZX Spectrum)
Dizzy the Adventurer (ADE [от ww])
Fantastic Dizzy (PC [от Jester, архив с картами локаций])
Fast Food (ZX Spectrum)
Kwik Snax (ZX Spectrum)
Panic Dizzy (ZX Spectrum)
Spellbound Dizzy. Lite version (C64 [от Reptar])
Wonderland Dizzy (NES, рукописная)

Карты фанатских игр (в скобках указана платформа):

A Nice Cup of Tea (PC)
A Pirate's Life Dizzy (PC+карта поездки на вагонетке)
Almost Spellbound Dizzy (PC)
Annie's Legasy (PC)
Another Dizzy Day (PC)
Another Treasure Island Dizzy (PC)
Back to Magicland (PC+карта прохождения лабиринта)
Bah Humbug (PC)
Bubble Trouble Dizzy (PC)
Daisy at the Movies (PC)
Daisy Does Dallas (PC)
Daisy Goes Pop (PC)
Daisy's Search (PC)
Daisy Goes Shopping (PC)
Daisy Goes Solo (PC)
Daisy Goes Solo. Part 2 (PC)
Daisy and the Haunted Mansion (PC)
Daisy Dices with Death (PC)
Daisy Wants Flowers (PC)
Diamond Dizzy (PC)
Diamond Mine Dizzy (PC+авторская - обе только для версии Classic, 2.0)
Dizzy 1.00 (Вектор 06Ц)
Dizzy. Melanchony of Existance. Chapter Zero (NES)
Dizzy 6.5: Last Will Dizzy (ZX Spectrum)
Dizzy 8: A Little Joke (ZX Spectrum [от Slider])
Dizzy — The Last Hero (PC [1.0, 2.1])
Dizzy: The Lost Island (PC)
Dizzy - Magic Island (ZX Spectrum (авторская) + авторские наброски (раз, два и три))
Dizzy - Night at the Museum (PC (1.0, 2.0)
Dizzy - Searching for bugs in the land of KO2 (PC)
Dizzy - Return to the Magicland (ZX Spectrum [от Reptar])
Dizzy's Bad Dream (PC)
Dizzy's Challenge (PC)
Dizzy's Dream Home (PC)
Dizzy's Poker Night (PC)
Dizzy A (ZX Spectrum [от Reptar])
Dizzy and a Half (PC)
Dizzy and the Emerald Eye (PC)
Dizzy and the Harp of Life (PC)
Dizzy and the Healing Potion (PC)
Dizzy and the Jewel Thief (PC)
Dizzy and the Magic Wand (PC)
Dizzy and the Mushrooms Pie (PC)
Dizzy and the Other Side Act 1 (PC) - карта демо-версии следующей игры
Dizzy and the Other Side (PC, акт 1, акт 2, акт 3, акт 4, акт 5)
Dizzy and the Ring of Zaks (PC)
Dizzy B (ZX Spectrum [от Reptar])
Dizzy goes to Khimki (PC)
Dizzy in Emerald City (PC)
Dizzy Legends: Curse of The Mystics (PC) - авторская
Dizzy Legends: The Lord of Darkness (PC) - авторская
Dizzy New (ZX Spectrum)
Dizzy Oops! (PC+карта с нумерацией монет)
Dizzy visiting Titus (PC)
Dizzy vs. The Snow Queen (PC)
Dizzy X: Journey to Russia (ZX Spectrum)
Dizzy XII: Dizzy Underground (ZX Spectrum [альтернативная])
Dizzy Y: Return to Russia (ZX Spectrum)
Dizzy Who: Into the Tardis (PC)
Dizzy Yolkfolk Adventures (PC+авторская)
Dizzy Z (PC)
Don't Panic Dizzy (PC) — не обозначено местонахождение всех аккумуляторов.
Dora's Cafe (PC)
Dora in Paris (PC)
Dragon Valley Dizzy (PC)
Dreamworld Dizzy (PC+авторская)
Egyptian Tomb Dizzy (PC) — авторская
Enchanting Day Dizzy (PC)
Enlightening Times Dizzy (PC)
Excalibur Dizzy (PC)
Fantastic Dizzy – Home Alone (PC)
Fantasy World Dizzy (PC)
Father Diz (PC)
Feverbound Dizzy (PC)
Ghastly Getaway Dizzy (PC, карта экрана с паутиной)
Grimm Dizzy (PC)
Grogg Island Dizzy (PC)
Heart-Land Dizzy (PC)
Hide & Seek Dizzy (PC)
Home Island Dizzy (ZX Spectrum)
Hourglass Dizzy (PC)
House of Puzzles (PC)
Hush (PC)
Illusion Island Dizzy (PC) - авторская
Iron Tower Dizzy (PC)
Knightmare Dizzy (PC)
Log Cabin Dizzy (PC)
Lost Temple Dizzy (PC) - авторская
Lost Woods Dizzy (PC)
Lost Woods Dizzy Remake (PC)
Magic Star Dizzy (PC+авторская)
Magicland Dizzy (PC)
Magicland Dizzy ZZT (DOS)
Middle-Earth Dizzy (PC)
Miraculous Multiplier Dizzy (PC [1.1 и 2.0])
Mushroom Kingdom Dizzy (PC)
Mysterious Realm Dizzy (PC)
Mystic Forest Dizzy (PC) - авторская
Next Generation Dizzy (PC)
Pirate Ship Dizzy (PC) - авторская
Prince of the Yolkfolk (PC)
Rail Road Dizzy (PC+авторская)
Rainbow Jewels Dizzy (PC)
Realityland Dizzy (PC)
Rock Dash Dizzy (PC) - авторская
Sacred World Dizzy (PC)
Scrambled Egg Dizzy (PC)
Spellbound Dizzy Lite (PC)
Spud's Quest (PC)
Starship Dizzy (PC)
Summer Blast Dizzy (PC)
Sunken Castle Dizzy (PC) — не обозначено местонахождение всех алмазов.
Swampland Dizzy (PC)
The Evil Wizard Zaks (PC)
The King's Flag (PC)
The Sisterhood (PC)
The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure (PC)
Time Travel Dizzy (PC) - карта демо-версии
Treasure Island Dizzy (PC)
Treasure Tomb Dizzy (PC+авторская)
Tycoon Dizzy (PC)
Volcano Island Dizzy (PC)
When Dizzy Met Daisy (PC)
Winter Nightmare Dizzy (PC) - авторская
Winter World Dizzy (PC+авторская)
Wizard School (PC)
Yolkfolk Prophecies (PC)
Yolkfolk to the Rescue (PC) — карта взята из редактора как есть.
Zombified (PC)

Карты игр-клонов (в скобках указана платформа):

Бегство на Хархан (ZX Spectrum)
Капитошка (ZX Spectrum)
Операция Р.Р. (ZX Spectrum + авторские наброски (1, 2) + авторская зарисовка первого (1, 2) и второго (1, 2) и третьего уровней)
Смагли 2 (ZX Spectrum)
Fizzy (ZX Spectrum)
Go! Bear Go! (ZX Spectrum)
Knoorkie (C64)
Mystik Belle (PC) [15 Мб!]
Piggy (ZX Spectrum)
Strumf (ZX Spectrum (авторская) + авторские наброски)


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