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Pirates! [NES]
dizzyДата: Суббота, 18.09.2010, 20:04 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 257
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Through long, hard work, you become a merchant captain. Full of ambition, you cast covetous eyes on the vast wealth of the Spanish Main. The final step is an audience at court for royal approval.
Благодаря долгой и кропотливой работе, вы стали торговым капитаном. Преисполненный амбициями, вы бросаете свой жадный взгляд на богатства испанского материка. Заключительным шагом станет аудиенция, в ходе которой вы получите королевское одобрение.

"My loyal captain," says your patron, "I will finance this voyage. I charge you to set out on this mission with my approval."
"Мой верный капитан!", - говорит ваш покровитель, - "Я профинансирую ваше путешествие. Также я поручаю вам эту миссию".

In a few months you are running before the trade winds with a fast, powerful warship beneath your feet. "Land ho!" cries the lookout. You have made landfall in the West Indies!
Спустя несколько месяцев, ведомый торговыми ветрами, стоя на палубе мощного боевого корабля, вы слышите крик смотрящего: "Земля!". Вы прибыли к берегам Вест-Индии!

One night, playing cards in a tavern, you overhear an old sea captain. "Mates, the Spanish conquered Peru years ago. Some of the treasure never reached Spain. A fortune in Incan gold awaits a bold man in the Caribbean!"
Однажды ночью, играя в карты в таверне, вы слышите голос старого капитана. "Много лет назад испанцы завоевали Перу. Но не всем сокровищам было суждено достигнуть Испании. Целое состояние в виде золота инков ожидает смелого человека в Карибском море!".

Inspired by the tale, you seek support for a voyage from aristocratic friends. They help you to find a ship and supplies and gain favor at court.
Вдохновлённый рассказом, вы ищите спонсора путешествия среди ваших аристократических друзей. Они помогут вам найти судно, провизию, и заполучить расположение в высшем свете.

Soon you have a royal charter for a new colony in the Indies but the land is poor, and the colonists are discouraged. "Turn back," they demand. You must face their leader, sword in hand!
Вскоре вы получаете королевскую грамоту, дарующую вам колонию в Индия. Но подаренная земля оказывается бедной, а колонисты обескураженными. "Возвращайтесь", - говорят они. Вам предстоит встретиться с их лидером, держа меч в руке!

Victorious, you and your friends put the malcontents ashore. Now it's time to set course for adventure, fame and fortune along the fabled Spanish Main!
Вы и ваши друзья победоносно оставляете недовольных на берегу. Теперь самое время взять курс на легендарный испанский материк, где вы найдёте приключение и обретёте славу!

Defeated, you and a few supporters are put in a small, leaky boat. Taunts, jeers and laughter ring out across the water as you sail away, your face flushed with shame.
Вас победили. Вас и ваших сторонников помещают в маленькую прохудившуюся лодку. В то время как вы уплываете прочь над водой раздаются подколки, насмешки и смех. От позора ваше лицо становится красным.

Years ago your family was poor and starving. Your future lay in the New World, a land of opportunity and hope. Entering the Caribbean a hurricane wrecks your ship. Clinging to a spar, you are rescued by the Spanish.
Несколько лет назад ваша семья страдала от бедности и голода. Ваше будущее лежит в Новом Свете. На входе в Карибское море ураган разрушает ваше судно. Держась за лонжерон, вы выживаете, вас спасают испанцы.

You are indentured to hard labor on a sugar plantation. One day you chance upon some smugglers in a far corner of the fields. They casually ask if you would like to escape and lead their band.
Договор обязывает вас работать на сахарной плантации. Однажды, в дальнем углу поля, вы замечаете контрабандистов. Они спрашивают, согласны ли вы сбежать отсюда и стать лидером их банды.

The smugglers elect you captain. That night you lead the sturdy band in a sneak attack on a small ship riding at anchor!
Контрабандисты избирают вас своим капитаном. Той же ночью вы скрытно ведёте вашу банду в атаку на маленькое судно, стоящее на якоре в порту!

You sail to a friendly port nearby. A family friend introduces you to the governor. He provides a "Letter of Marque" authorizing attacks on enemy ships. Now you are ready to seek your fame and fortune on the Spanish Main!
Вы заплываете в ближайший дружелюбный порт. Друг семьи представляет вас губернатору. Он дарует вам "каперскую грамоту", дающую право атаковать вражеские суда. Теперь вы готовы к поискам вашей славы и богатства на испанском материке!

Young and poor, you seek your fortune in the New World. To purchase passage you indenture yourself, binding you to work on a sugar plantation for five years as payment. But on the plantation your debts only grow.
Бедный и молодой, вы пытаете своего счастья в Новом Свете. Чтобы купить билет, вы заключаете договор о том, что вы в течение пяти лет будете работать на сахарной плантации в качестве возмещения. Но на плантации ваши долги только возрастают.

You decide to escape this life of debt slavery. You ask some local seamen about joining the 'Brethren of the Coast.'
"Aye mate," they reply.
Вы решаете сбежать из долгового рабства. Вы спрашиваете местных моряков о возможности присоединения к "Братьям побережья". "Мы будем только рады, брат", - отвечают они.

The seamen are really buccaneers! In need of knowledge, they invite you to join their party. But the voyage is unprofitable. The men decide new leadership is required. They nominate you to duel the captain for command of the ship!
Моряки оказались настоящими буканирами! Нуждаясь в ваших знаниях, они приглашают вас присоединиться к ним. Но путешествие не приносит дохода. Тогда моряки задумываются о смене лидера. Вас выбирают для дуэли с нынешним капитаном! Дуэль решит кто будет управлять кораблём!

You are happy living as an honest seaman, but your uncle gambles away all the family's money. To help feed your starving mother, you steal a piece of bread from the back door of an aristocrat's mansion - and are caught!
Вы счастливы, проживая жизнь честного моряка, но ваш дядя проигрывает все деньги вашей семьи. Чтобы накормить вашу голодающую мать, проникнув через заднюю дверь, вы крадёте кусок хлеба из особняка аристократов, но вас ловят!

After waiting months in a foul prison, the judge hears your case. "You common scum don't take the law seriously!" he snarls. "Transportation to the colonies for ten years hard labor will teach you some honest work!"
После месяцев ожидания в грязной тюрьме, судья слушает ваше дело. "Вы, мелкие ублюдки, не воспринимаете закон всерьёз!", - брюзжит он. "Думаю, транспортировка в колонию для десяти лет каторжных работ научит вас вести честную жизнь!".

You and your sturdy band sail to a friendly port. There you arm and provision the ship. Your charismatic personality brings flocks of recruits from the taverns, each seeking new wealth on the Spanish Main!
Вы и ваша банда заплываете в дружелюбный порт. Там вы закупаете еды и вооружения. С помощью вашей харизмы вам удаётся привлечь новичков из таверны в ряды ваших матросов. Все они готовы отправиться на поиски богатств испанского материка!

The governor of San Juan pockets your gold and smiles. "It gives me great pleasure to award you this commission as Ensign in the Costa Guarda." He laughs, "Now you can legally repay those foreign devils we've suffered for too long".
Губернатор Сан-Хуана забирает ваше золото и улыбки. "Мне доставляет большое удовольствие иметь честь наградить вас знаменем, дарующим полномочия Коста Гуарда". Он смеётся, - "Теперь вы можете законно отомстить тем иностранным дьяволам, которых вы слишком долго терпели".

"Of course," the governor continues, "you are obliged to protect our shipping too. But that should be no problem for one such as yourself!" he smiles.
"Конечно же", - продолжает губернатор, - "вы также обязаны защищать наши суда. Но, думаю, для такого как вы это не будет проблемой!", - улыбается он.

On your first voyage a small convoy of enemy ships falls to your squadron. One enemy cuts grapples and starts away. "Take that ship," your captain yells, "and she's yours!" Your party jumps aboard just in time!
Ваше первое плавание оканчивается нападением вражеского конвоя на вашу эскадру. Один из врагов обрезает абордажные кошки и пытается спастись бегством. "Захватите этот корабль", - кричит ваш капитан, - "и он станет вашим!". Ваша команда спрыгивает на борт. Как раз вовремя!

Victorious, you take the ship to a friendly port, where you repair, rearm and provision it. With your promising reputation, finding a crew at the local tavern is no problem In just a few weeks your sturdy band clamors to set sail.
Победив, вы заводите корабль в дружелюбный порт, где ремонтируете, перевооружаете и обеспечиваете его провизией. С вашей многообещающей репутацией не проблема найти команду в местной таверне. Всего за несколько недель вы собираете крепкую группу, готовую отправиться в плавание.

As a protestant sea captain in catholic France, you and your family are imprisoned by order of Cardinal Richelieu. Finally, an old friend of high station visits. You plead with him, "Let me leave France for the New World!"
По приказу кардинала Ришелье, вы, как протестантский капитан в католической Франции, и ваша семья посажены в тюрьму. Наконец, вас посещает ваш высокопоставленный старый друг. Вы умоляете его: "Позволь мне уплыть из Франции в Новый Свет!".

Years ago your family settled in the New World. Then a rich grasping nobleman used a corrupt judge to seize the family lands and imprison you. You escape and begin a long search for your lost family.
Несколько лет назад ваша семья обосновалась в Новом Свете. Богатый, загребущий дворянин подкупил судью, чтобы завладеть вашими семейными землями, а вас заточить в тюрьму. Но вы сбежали и начали долгий поиск вашей пропавшей семьи.

Finally, you encounter sailors in a portside tavern, down to their last few gold doubloons. "Mate," they call, "help us refill our purses."
Наконец, в прибрежной таверне вы сталкиваетесь с моряками, у которых осталось всего несколько золотых дублонов. "Дружище", - просят они, - "помоги нам наполнить наши кошельки".

Your skill as a merchant captain is famous throughout Europe. The best traders employ you. Finally, an officer of the powerful West Indies Company approaches you with a proposition to command a voyage to the West Indies.
Ваши навыки торгового капитана известны во всей Европе. Вас нанимают лучшие торговцы. Наконец, к вас приближается офицер мощной Вест-Индийской компании с предложением возглавить путешествие к берегам Вест-Индии.

A few months later your sturdy ship and crew are in the West Indies. You encounter a Spanish ship and hail them, only to find yourself boarded! "Foreign heretic scum aren't permitted here," snarls their leader, drawing his sword.
Несколько месяцев спустя ваше судно и ваша команда прибывают к берегам Вест-Индии. Вы встречаете испанское судно и приветствуете его, но оказываетесь окружены! "Заморским еретикам и предателям здесь не место!", - кричит их лидер, обнажая меч.

Born into a family of sailors, you too wish to seek your fortune at sea. The current war offers many opportunities in the West Indies for an enterprising young man. The tales of old, wealthy privateer captains stir your blood.
Рождённый в семье моряков, вы страстно желаете попытать счастья в море. Текущая война в Вест-Индии открывает множество возможностей для инициативного молодого человека. Рассказы о старых богатых капитанах каперов подогревают вашу кровь.

You decide to seek a life of adventure. In a seaside tavern you meet a famous captain. You fall into conversation and tell him the tales you have heard.
Вы решаете начать жизнь, полную приключений! В приморской таверне вы встречаете известного капитана. Вы вступаете с ним в разговор и рассказываете ему истории, о которых слышали.

As a young man you fled your family's debt slavery on a sugar plantation. You live among the buccaneers of the coast, learning to shoot, to handle a sword, and handle a ship. Most importantly, you learn bravery and leadership.
Будучи молодым человеком вы сбежали из долгового рабства на сахарной плантации. Вы живёте среди буканиров побережья, учитесь стрелять, держать меч и управлять судном. И, что более важно, вы обучаетесь храбрости и лидерству.

You are born into a merchant sailor family, inheriting a ship. Alas, the new, restrictive trade laws of England and France make most voyages unprofitable. Then you hear that enforcement of these regulations is lax in the Indies.
Вы родились в семье торгового моряка, унаследовав корабль. Увы, но строгие правила торговли Англии и Франции делают любое путешествие неприбыльным. Вы узнаёте, что в Ост-Индии почти не соблюдают эти правила.

On the eve of a great expedition, the leader falls ill! You claim knowledge of the West Indies and volunteer to take command of the voyage and your patron believes you!
Накануне большой экспедиции заболел лидер! Хорошо зная Вест-Индию, вы предлагаете возглавить путешествие, и ваш покровитель вам доверяет!

GuyverДата: Воскресенье, 03.10.2010, 02:35 | Сообщение # 2
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"He was last seen in the city of /04", the governor adds. /19

"I have information which may be of value to you," /02 /01 says. "I will be quite happy to enlighten you in exchange for my freedom." Do you: Ask about Treasure Fleet Ask about Silver Train Hold him for ransom /1A

As you sneak into town you are recognized by one of the governor's guards. "Halt, you cowardly scum pirate," he cries. /1A

Your former comrades take pity on you and trade you for a nobleman they have captured. They agree to take you back as an /01 captain. /18

In a dark corner of the tavern a scruffy pirate offers to sell you part of an old treasure map for /030 gold pieces. Buy the map No, thanks /1B

Over a delicious dinner the governor offers you /01 Letter of Marque for /030 pieces of gold. Will you pay? Yes. No /1D

"Though you have offended the /01 crown, we may forgive your piratical offenses for /030 pieces of gold." Will you pay? Yes. No /1C

The governor presents you with an elaborately written royal proclamation. "In recognition of your brave and loyal service to the /02 crown, I do gladly confer upon you the title of /01!" /15

The /01 are familiar with recent comings and goings of prominent persons of /02. Do you wish to inquire about No inquiry /03/A0 /04/A0 /05/A0 /06/A0 /1A

The crew swaggers off to squander their hard won gold, and enjoy themselves in the local town. Do you... Plan another expedition. Retire from privateering /1B

Amid great anticipation the plunder is counted and divided. Each crew member's share comes to /020 gold pieces. Most of the crew feels quite /01 with their portion. /1A

As captain (/01) of the party, you receive /03 officer's portions, totalling /020 gold pcs. /1A

"I have recently had news of your long lost /03," the governor says. "The Evil Spaniard /02/A0/01 knows your /03's whereabouts." /1A

"I shall also grant you /03 acres of land in recognition of your noble deeds," the governor adds. /19

The crew rushes off to squander their hard won gold. The local taverns resound with the clamor of drunken sailors! Your adventure on the Spanish Main is complete. /1D

The governor introduces you to his young daughter. She is presently being courted by /02 /01, but she seems interested in you! Do you? Make pleasant conversation Propose marriage /1B

"Well! What cheek! HRMMMPH! Just what kind of a lady do you take me for? You are but a poor, unknown, /02 captain and I am a lady of beauty and refinement" she exclaims. /1A

"Oh! That's so very nice /02 /01," she replies. "But my suitor is a wealthy and very distinguished man. Perhaps when you also have distinguished yourself we can speak of this again." /1D

"You have captured my heart, /02 /01. Would that I could be your bride. My suitor, however, is a very jealous man. He will likely challenge you to a duel!" Fight the duel Retract your proposal /13

Amid merriment and celebration you and your lovely bride are married. /14

An accurate salvo of cannon fire from the fort drives you back to the open sea. /0F

Your ship sails out of range of the enemy. The battle is over. /14

Using full sails and skillful seamanship the enemy vessel pulls out of range. /13

Your ship is holed in a dozen places and gradually sinks beneath the waves. /17

The enemy ship catches fire and is destroyed as the flames reach the gunpowder magazine. /14

After a long chase the sun sets, ending the battle. /1C

As you approach the enemy ship, a white banner shoots to the top of the mast. "They've struck their colors Captain!," the crew cheers. /1B

The Sailing Master warns you, "The men be growin' restless cap'n. If ye don't find us plunder soon me thinks they'll mutiny!" /1A

Your ship is careened and refitted. Provisions are collected and stowed. News of your expedition spreads among the islands. Small groups of hardy men return to join your band. /1E

Your lieutenant confronts you on the quarterdeck. "Captain, ye're a skulker and a coward. I'm taking this ship to search for plunder and Spanish gold!" You draw your sword and attack the mutinous lieutenant. /1C

With your last ship gone, you are washed ashore on an uncharted island. The local Indians feed you and help you to regain your strength. Many months pass.. /1C

One day a small ship arrives at the island to resupply. You recognize some of your former crew members! They agree to take you back as an /01 captain. /1B

You have disgraced yourself in personal combat! Your reputation is ruined! It will take many brave deeds to cleanse this blot on your honor. /1A

Your men flee in panic as the tide of battle turns against them. You bravely fight on and are wounded. You are imprisoned in /01. Months pass as you await your fate. /14

After three days of fruitless digging the search is called off. There is no treasure here. /1E

You spot the Evil Spaniard /01 /02 sneaking out a back entrance. He draws his sword as you rush after him. /1E

The two ships crash together and boarding parties leap over the rails. In the swirl and smoke of battle you spot /02 /01 approaching. /19

With a jarring crash one of your ships grinds onto a shallow reef and rapidly fills with water. /19

The crew is starving. A surly group steals a boat and deserts, taking a portion of the plunder. /18

The local governor flees at the sight of your victorious mob. You may install a new governor. Shall he be... Spanish, English, French, or Dutch /18

As you flee the battle, the undamaged enemy ship overhauls a slow sailing /01 from your fleet and captures it. /18

The town has had warning of your ship's approach. /01 of their gold has been hidden away. /13

You beach your ship far from the fort. Your men refuse to march and return to their ships. /1C

"Many years ago the Spanish plundered the ancient Inca capital. While transporting the great riches to Spain, a treasure galleon foundered and sank. By luck and craft I acquired part of a map to this incredible treasure" /1B

"You are a skilled and able swordsman. I will tell you what I know. Your /01 is held captive on a remote plantation. This map may help you on your quest." /1A

The governor's daughter is overwhelmed by your charm and wit. She agrees to gather information for you at the governor's house. /1B

After dinner you visit your /01. "I've made note of the latest news and gossip at the governor's house," she says. "Look.. /18

Your digging uncovers a chest of solid oak! Opening the box you find /030 gleaming pieces of gold and silver. /19

Your /01 is rescued! After years of searching you are at last reunited. "I have a mysterious and exciting tale to tell," your /01 exclaims. /1A

You have found the lost Inca treasure! Riches beyond your wildest dreams are laid before you! 100,000 gold pieces are collected and carried aboard your ship. /17

You have captured the royal Spanish treasure fleet! A flood of gold and jewels pours into the hold of your ship. /17

You have captured the Silver Train bearing a fortune in silver from the mines of Peru! The crew sings lustily as they haul it aboard. /19

The once proud town of /02 is at your mercy as the remainder of the garrison flees. Your crew begins to round up gold and valuables. /1A

/02 /01's family will pay a ransom of /030 gold pieces for his safe return, the governor informs you. Take the gold Wait for a better offer /17

"So you have brought me that despicable pirate, /02 /01," the governor observes. "The king will be very pleased at this news." /1D

I am greatly pleased that you have fulfilled the mission I gave you, the governor says. Your service will be remembered. /19

The months pass quickly as you search for a way out of your predicament. Fortunately you are still young and healthy. /1A

The passing months take their toll on your spirits and vitality. There is much yet to be done and little time to waste. /1B

The months pass slowly with frequent periods of discouragement and illness. Perhaps it is time to quit this life and settle down. /1D

Each month seems an eternity. Advancing age and old battle wounds combine to sap your strength. Perhaps you can complete one more voyage. /1C

Your crew scatters to the winds. Advancing age and old battle wounds combine to sap your strength. Your ship's officers sign on with a younger, more active captain. You reluctantly decide it is time to retire. /1B

Your men scale the walls of the fort. As the battle rages, the fort's commander attacks you with his sword. /1A

Your men are scattered and exhausted. The attack on /01 has failed. /19

The Sailing Master warns you, "We've been sailin' for many a month, cap'n. The men are anxious to be dividin' up the plunder." /1B

"I am disappointed that you have failed to complete the mission I gave to you." /1C

"I have an urgent mission for you," the Governor says. Do you ... Accept the mission. Refuse the mission. /1C

"You must deliver this letter to my cousin who lives in the city of /02. Please hurry." /19

"You must deliver this secret document to my half brother who is acting as a spy for our noble King in the city of /02. His future depends upon your haste." /17

"The pirate '/01' is again roaming the seas off the city of /02. You must capture him and his cut throat band." /17

"My son is held captive by our King's enemies in the city of /02. I charge you to capture the town and free my son." /1D

The Governor's cousin accepts the letter you have brought. "The Governor will surely reward you for this service," he adds with a smile. /1B

The Governor's half brother quietly accepts the secret documents you have brought. "The King will be greatly pleased by your efforts," he whispers. /18

You have captured the evil pirate '/01'. The Governor will be greatly pleased. /1B

The Governor's son is freed from his dark prison cell. "My father will reward you handsomely for this noble deed." he cries. /17

One night after a day in the tavern, you fall asleep in your usual corner. You wake to the sound of wind in the rigging, and discover that you've been press- ganged into serving as as a common sailor on nobleman's ship! It is months before you can buy yourself off at the nearest port. /14

/07 /08 is now in /02! /16

/07 /08 left for /09/A0a few months ago. /11

Вы хотите продать
какое-то судно?

Вы хотите починить
какое-то судно?

"Sail Ho!" The lookout reports a sail on the horizon. "We're in /01 waters" the Master reminds. Shall we: Investigate Continue voyage /15

"Sail Ho!" The lookout reports a sail on the horizon. Shall we: Investigate Continue voyage /12

She looks like a /01, captain. Shall we? Investigate Sail away /14

She's flying /01/A0colors, captain. Shall we? Close for battle Hail for news Sail away /1D

"Arrrgh! It's that /03/A0/04: /02 /01! He's chasing us, captain!" /1B

He's overtaking us captain. We'll have to fight! /1E

The crew swaggers off to squander their hard won gold, and enjoy themselves in the local town. Do you... Plan another expedition. Retire from privateering Advance to /01 level /10

Not enough crew. one ship lost. /1A

Welcome to "PIRATES!" Return with us to the golden age of Buccaneering on the Spanish Main. Do you wish to... Start a new career? Continue a saved game? Look at the hall of fame? /1A

Do you wish to select a special historical period? No, thanks Yes /1C

Select a time period: The Silver Empire (1560) Merchants and Smugglers (1600) The New Colonists (1620) War For Profit (1640) The Buccaneer Heroes (1660) Pirates' Sunset (1680) /11

Are you an? ENGLISH /01/A0 FRENCH /02/A0 SPANISH /04/A0 /13

Are you an? ENGLISH /01/A0 FRENCH /02/A0 DUTCH /03/A0 SPANISH /04/A0 /15

Are you an? ENGLISH /01/A0 FRENCH /02/A0 DUTCH /03/A0 SPANISH /04/A0 /1E

Ваша фамилия? Например, Смит, Джонс и т.д. /A0/A0 A B C D E F G H I J /A0 K L M N O P Q R S T /A0 U V W X Y Z ' - Всё /A0 .......... /10

Мр. /01,
какой уровень
трудности вы

Каким особым навыком
вы будете обладать?
Ум и обаяние

Какое судно вы
хотите взять?

Перекличка показала,
что в команде не
хватает /01 чел. /17

/02 /01 Jumps overboard and escapes. /1E



We have /01 men and /02/A0cannon ready for battle. Winds are /03. Which Ship will you command? /1C

Captain, we've captured /02 /01 and a /03 gun /04 of /050 tons. We have space for /06 tons in the hold. Shall we keep her? Yes, send a prize crew No, plunder and sink her /1C

Captain, we've captured a /03 gun /04 of /050 tons. We have space for /06 tons in the hold. Shall we keep her? Yes, send a prize crew No, plunder and sink her /16

Captain, /01 sailors wish to join our crew. Take them Leave them /15

In /01, you set about gathering a new ship and crew. /7F

Цыыыыыыыыыыферки - это переменные, переведи что сможешь, так как трудно иногда понять кто о чём говорит...

Добавлено (20.09.2010, 04:49)
Остальное я вроде как перевёл. Сейчас перевожу менюшки оставшиеся...

Добавлено (26.09.2010, 08:55)
Молоток, так держать! Постараюсь вставить переведённое на днях, как из Смоленска приеду...

Добавлено (03.10.2010, 02:35)
Чел, помоги перевести по-человечески фамилии, есть испанские, английские, французские и голландские:





dizzyДата: Воскресенье, 03.10.2010, 15:39 | Сообщение # 3
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 257
Награды: 1
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Статус: Offline
Руис Мота
ла Торре

dizzyДата: Воскресенье, 03.10.2010, 15:52 | Сообщение # 4
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 257
Награды: 1
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Статус: Offline
В ебстер

dizzyДата: Воскресенье, 03.10.2010, 16:10 | Сообщение # 5
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 257
Награды: 1
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Статус: Offline
Д езерет
де Лаваль
Водем о н

dizzyДата: Воскресенье, 03.10.2010, 16:26 | Сообщение # 6
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 257
Награды: 1
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Статус: Offline
ван Рин
де Франк
ван Трун
де Графф
ван Худде
ван Хасс
Дер Ви
Ван Нек
де Фриз
ван Верт
де Витт
ван Рапп
ван Кнут

GuyverДата: Понедельник, 04.10.2010, 02:29 | Сообщение # 7
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 19
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ГостьДата: Понедельник, 04.10.2010, 20:07 | Сообщение # 8
Группа: Гости

Тестинг игры идёт очень медленно. Любой косяк - игра намертво виснет... Жесть...
dizzyДата: Среда, 13.10.2010, 19:58 | Сообщение # 9
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 257
Награды: 1
Репутация: 2
Статус: Offline

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