"He was last seen in the city of /04", the governor adds. /19 "I have information which may be of value to you," /02 /01 says. "I will be quite happy to enlighten you in exchange for my freedom." Do you: Ask about Treasure Fleet Ask about Silver Train Hold him for ransom /1A
As you sneak into town you are recognized by one of the governor's guards. "Halt, you cowardly scum pirate," he cries. /1A
Your former comrades take pity on you and trade you for a nobleman they have captured. They agree to take you back as an /01 captain. /18
In a dark corner of the tavern a scruffy pirate offers to sell you part of an old treasure map for /030 gold pieces. Buy the map No, thanks /1B
Over a delicious dinner the governor offers you /01 Letter of Marque for /030 pieces of gold. Will you pay? Yes. No /1D
"Though you have offended the /01 crown, we may forgive your piratical offenses for /030 pieces of gold." Will you pay? Yes. No /1C
The governor presents you with an elaborately written royal proclamation. "In recognition of your brave and loyal service to the /02 crown, I do gladly confer upon you the title of /01!" /15
The /01 are familiar with recent comings and goings of prominent persons of /02. Do you wish to inquire about No inquiry /03/A0 /04/A0 /05/A0 /06/A0 /1A
The crew swaggers off to squander their hard won gold, and enjoy themselves in the local town. Do you... Plan another expedition. Retire from privateering /1B
Amid great anticipation the plunder is counted and divided. Each crew member's share comes to /020 gold pieces. Most of the crew feels quite /01 with their portion. /1A
As captain (/01) of the party, you receive /03 officer's portions, totalling /020 gold pcs. /1A
"I have recently had news of your long lost /03," the governor says. "The Evil Spaniard /02/A0/01 knows your /03's whereabouts." /1A
"I shall also grant you /03 acres of land in recognition of your noble deeds," the governor adds. /19
The crew rushes off to squander their hard won gold. The local taverns resound with the clamor of drunken sailors! Your adventure on the Spanish Main is complete. /1D
The governor introduces you to his young daughter. She is presently being courted by /02 /01, but she seems interested in you! Do you? Make pleasant conversation Propose marriage /1B
"Well! What cheek! HRMMMPH! Just what kind of a lady do you take me for? You are but a poor, unknown, /02 captain and I am a lady of beauty and refinement" she exclaims. /1A
"Oh! That's so very nice /02 /01," she replies. "But my suitor is a wealthy and very distinguished man. Perhaps when you also have distinguished yourself we can speak of this again." /1D
"You have captured my heart, /02 /01. Would that I could be your bride. My suitor, however, is a very jealous man. He will likely challenge you to a duel!" Fight the duel Retract your proposal /13
Amid merriment and celebration you and your lovely bride are married. /14
An accurate salvo of cannon fire from the fort drives you back to the open sea. /0F
Your ship sails out of range of the enemy. The battle is over. /14
Using full sails and skillful seamanship the enemy vessel pulls out of range. /13
Your ship is holed in a dozen places and gradually sinks beneath the waves. /17
The enemy ship catches fire and is destroyed as the flames reach the gunpowder magazine. /14
After a long chase the sun sets, ending the battle. /1C
As you approach the enemy ship, a white banner shoots to the top of the mast. "They've struck their colors Captain!," the crew cheers. /1B
The Sailing Master warns you, "The men be growin' restless cap'n. If ye don't find us plunder soon me thinks they'll mutiny!" /1A
Your ship is careened and refitted. Provisions are collected and stowed. News of your expedition spreads among the islands. Small groups of hardy men return to join your band. /1E
Your lieutenant confronts you on the quarterdeck. "Captain, ye're a skulker and a coward. I'm taking this ship to search for plunder and Spanish gold!" You draw your sword and attack the mutinous lieutenant. /1C
With your last ship gone, you are washed ashore on an uncharted island. The local Indians feed you and help you to regain your strength. Many months pass.. /1C
One day a small ship arrives at the island to resupply. You recognize some of your former crew members! They agree to take you back as an /01 captain. /1B
You have disgraced yourself in personal combat! Your reputation is ruined! It will take many brave deeds to cleanse this blot on your honor. /1A
Your men flee in panic as the tide of battle turns against them. You bravely fight on and are wounded. You are imprisoned in /01. Months pass as you await your fate. /14
After three days of fruitless digging the search is called off. There is no treasure here. /1E
You spot the Evil Spaniard /01 /02 sneaking out a back entrance. He draws his sword as you rush after him. /1E
The two ships crash together and boarding parties leap over the rails. In the swirl and smoke of battle you spot /02 /01 approaching. /19
With a jarring crash one of your ships grinds onto a shallow reef and rapidly fills with water. /19
The crew is starving. A surly group steals a boat and deserts, taking a portion of the plunder. /18
The local governor flees at the sight of your victorious mob. You may install a new governor. Shall he be... Spanish, English, French, or Dutch /18
As you flee the battle, the undamaged enemy ship overhauls a slow sailing /01 from your fleet and captures it. /18
The town has had warning of your ship's approach. /01 of their gold has been hidden away. /13
You beach your ship far from the fort. Your men refuse to march and return to their ships. /1C
"Many years ago the Spanish plundered the ancient Inca capital. While transporting the great riches to Spain, a treasure galleon foundered and sank. By luck and craft I acquired part of a map to this incredible treasure" /1B
"You are a skilled and able swordsman. I will tell you what I know. Your /01 is held captive on a remote plantation. This map may help you on your quest." /1A
The governor's daughter is overwhelmed by your charm and wit. She agrees to gather information for you at the governor's house. /1B
After dinner you visit your /01. "I've made note of the latest news and gossip at the governor's house," she says. "Look.. /18
Your digging uncovers a chest of solid oak! Opening the box you find /030 gleaming pieces of gold and silver. /19
Your /01 is rescued! After years of searching you are at last reunited. "I have a mysterious and exciting tale to tell," your /01 exclaims. /1A
You have found the lost Inca treasure! Riches beyond your wildest dreams are laid before you! 100,000 gold pieces are collected and carried aboard your ship. /17
You have captured the royal Spanish treasure fleet! A flood of gold and jewels pours into the hold of your ship. /17
You have captured the Silver Train bearing a fortune in silver from the mines of Peru! The crew sings lustily as they haul it aboard. /19
The once proud town of /02 is at your mercy as the remainder of the garrison flees. Your crew begins to round up gold and valuables. /1A
/02 /01's family will pay a ransom of /030 gold pieces for his safe return, the governor informs you. Take the gold Wait for a better offer /17
"So you have brought me that despicable pirate, /02 /01," the governor observes. "The king will be very pleased at this news." /1D
I am greatly pleased that you have fulfilled the mission I gave you, the governor says. Your service will be remembered. /19
The months pass quickly as you search for a way out of your predicament. Fortunately you are still young and healthy. /1A
The passing months take their toll on your spirits and vitality. There is much yet to be done and little time to waste. /1B
The months pass slowly with frequent periods of discouragement and illness. Perhaps it is time to quit this life and settle down. /1D
Each month seems an eternity. Advancing age and old battle wounds combine to sap your strength. Perhaps you can complete one more voyage. /1C
Your crew scatters to the winds. Advancing age and old battle wounds combine to sap your strength. Your ship's officers sign on with a younger, more active captain. You reluctantly decide it is time to retire. /1B
Your men scale the walls of the fort. As the battle rages, the fort's commander attacks you with his sword. /1A
Your men are scattered and exhausted. The attack on /01 has failed. /19
The Sailing Master warns you, "We've been sailin' for many a month, cap'n. The men are anxious to be dividin' up the plunder." /1B
"I am disappointed that you have failed to complete the mission I gave to you." /1C
"I have an urgent mission for you," the Governor says. Do you ... Accept the mission. Refuse the mission. /1C
"You must deliver this letter to my cousin who lives in the city of /02. Please hurry." /19
"You must deliver this secret document to my half brother who is acting as a spy for our noble King in the city of /02. His future depends upon your haste." /17
"The pirate '/01' is again roaming the seas off the city of /02. You must capture him and his cut throat band." /17
"My son is held captive by our King's enemies in the city of /02. I charge you to capture the town and free my son." /1D
The Governor's cousin accepts the letter you have brought. "The Governor will surely reward you for this service," he adds with a smile. /1B
The Governor's half brother quietly accepts the secret documents you have brought. "The King will be greatly pleased by your efforts," he whispers. /18
You have captured the evil pirate '/01'. The Governor will be greatly pleased. /1B
The Governor's son is freed from his dark prison cell. "My father will reward you handsomely for this noble deed." he cries. /17
One night after a day in the tavern, you fall asleep in your usual corner. You wake to the sound of wind in the rigging, and discover that you've been press- ganged into serving as as a common sailor on nobleman's ship! It is months before you can buy yourself off at the nearest port. /14
/07 /08 is now in /02! /16
/07 /08 left for /09/A0a few months ago. /11
Вы хотите продать
какое-то судно?
Вы хотите починить
какое-то судно?
"Sail Ho!" The lookout reports a sail on the horizon. "We're in /01 waters" the Master reminds. Shall we: Investigate Continue voyage /15
"Sail Ho!" The lookout reports a sail on the horizon. Shall we: Investigate Continue voyage /12
She looks like a /01, captain. Shall we? Investigate Sail away /14
She's flying /01/A0colors, captain. Shall we? Close for battle Hail for news Sail away /1D
"Arrrgh! It's that /03/A0/04: /02 /01! He's chasing us, captain!" /1B
He's overtaking us captain. We'll have to fight! /1E
The crew swaggers off to squander their hard won gold, and enjoy themselves in the local town. Do you... Plan another expedition. Retire from privateering Advance to /01 level /10
Not enough crew. one ship lost. /1A
Welcome to "PIRATES!" Return with us to the golden age of Buccaneering on the Spanish Main. Do you wish to... Start a new career? Continue a saved game? Look at the hall of fame? /1A
Do you wish to select a special historical period? No, thanks Yes /1C
Select a time period: The Silver Empire (1560) Merchants and Smugglers (1600) The New Colonists (1620) War For Profit (1640) The Buccaneer Heroes (1660) Pirates' Sunset (1680) /11
Are you an? ENGLISH /01/A0 FRENCH /02/A0 SPANISH /04/A0 /13
Are you an? ENGLISH /01/A0 FRENCH /02/A0 DUTCH /03/A0 SPANISH /04/A0 /15
Are you an? ENGLISH /01/A0 FRENCH /02/A0 DUTCH /03/A0 SPANISH /04/A0 /1E
Ваша фамилия? Например, Смит, Джонс и т.д. /A0/A0 A B C D E F G H I J /A0 K L M N O P Q R S T /A0 U V W X Y Z ' - Всё /A0 .......... /10
Мр. /01,
какой уровень
трудности вы
Каким особым навыком
вы будете обладать?
Ум и обаяние
Какое судно вы
хотите взять?
Перекличка показала,
что в команде не
хватает /01 чел. /17
/02 /01 Jumps overboard and escapes. /1E
We have /01 men and /02/A0cannon ready for battle. Winds are /03. Which Ship will you command? /1C
Captain, we've captured /02 /01 and a /03 gun /04 of /050 tons. We have space for /06 tons in the hold. Shall we keep her? Yes, send a prize crew No, plunder and sink her /1C
Captain, we've captured a /03 gun /04 of /050 tons. We have space for /06 tons in the hold. Shall we keep her? Yes, send a prize crew No, plunder and sink her /16
Captain, /01 sailors wish to join our crew. Take them Leave them /15
In /01, you set about gathering a new ship and crew. /7F
Цыыыыыыыыыыферки - это переменные, переведи что сможешь, так как трудно иногда понять кто о чём говорит...
Добавлено (20.09.2010, 04:49)
Остальное я вроде как перевёл. Сейчас перевожу менюшки оставшиеся...
Добавлено (26.09.2010, 08:55)
Молоток, так держать! Постараюсь вставить переведённое на днях, как из Смоленска приеду...
Добавлено (03.10.2010, 02:35)
Чел, помоги перевести по-человечески фамилии, есть испанские, английские, французские и голландские: